Trans women literally created contemporary internet culture.

The internet is trans tradition.

Cultural theory of The Matrix as trans tradition.

Keanu Reaves’ recent renaissance
Dorian Electra
Charli XCX
Julianna Huxtable
20th anniversary of the Matrix
Eve of impeachment

The internet needs a spiritual centre.

Augmented reality: The programmable psychedelics of the future We spend a tremendous amount of time staring, typing and talking into rectangles. We sit in front of rectangles, we stand in front of rectangles and we take conference calls that split our rectangles into smaller rectangles filled with our teammates’ heads staring back at us through their rectangles. There is clearly a problem here. Humans did not evolve to spend all day hunched over a screen. But it's a problem for which the metaverse offers a solution. Virtual and augmented reality present the opportunity to flip how we interact with computers. In digitally augmented spaces, the physical world can become our computer. Grasping at virtual objects, pointing at text and drawing diagrams on walls, we’ll bend digital environments to our needs as opposed to our bodies to theirs, and then cover them in art.  Such paradigm shifting environments will take time to emerge and we believe it is the job of artists and...

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