Something went wrong trying to save

“Black people have known that healthcare has not always been a trustworthy, safe place for us, and that would include mental healthcare as well,” she says. “For a long time, the field of psychology stigmatized people of color and their culture and worldview, and psychology, in general, for a long time stigmatized religion. And so that put Black people in double jeopardy because not only are we people of color with a different cultural perspective, but we’re also more devoted to faith.

Mirror Mirror

⁃ is all content posted on IG (even that positioned as authentic) inherently performative?
⁃ How does reality tv, and it’s relationship to a generation raised on it, evolve?

Early Years

Adolescence is the period in which we first really begin to develop an understanding of our sexual selves. Men who were stunted and unable to fully explore during this period suffer from a proclivity towards the adolescent male form. Androgyny.

Add in complications with the father and he will be unsure of how to navigate emotionally (or physically) intimate relationships with men.

The political underpinnings of DC vs. Marvel

Marvel movies strike the balance, true centrist propaganda.

They strive to create worlds steeped in moral greys.

Does DC have a political lean?

The power of film.

The birth of a nation
Hollywood’s origins - propaganda finds its home
The Matrix

“If that’s the framework you’re given…that your country can only look shitty and your people are only poor and they’re only ever screaming, fighting, or dying, then that’s how you see yourself. Then you no longer want to be that—and that pushes you into whiteness.” — writer Nadia Shammas

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