"A fundamental activity of human society is buying and selling. This is a primitive action that requires a lot of dissimulation to mask its childish simplicity. Faced with an object, without making the slightest calculation, anyone at all knows how much it costs. Because starting with childhood, the economy of desire is enduring. Everyone is ready to pay an altogether unfair price for what’s needed and desired. But a true price doesn’t exist, because that for which we’re willing to pay an unfair price is available at an abominable discount. Which undermines us. And this applies to everyday objects. We are suffocated, humiliated by the fact that they are no longer worth anything. We no longer even have the right to pay a lot for that which we might want to pay a lot. True economy—that of desire—doesn’t exist."

Michel Butel, “L’autre Livre”, Editions Le Passant.

A living room needs to live and develop its destiny. A gradual transformation keeps exisiting personal values and adapting to fresh areas that mark a consciousness of the moment.

The charme of old furniture as experienced companions reacts with environmental accessories on the way to a personal living concept. The desire to grow with you can be satisfied through a handsome balance.

Bless our home.

The BLESS Nº 05 is a test of the conviction of BLESS customers to the fashion form that BLESS pioneers. It gives the chance through investment into the future design of BLESS to prove the relevance of trust and the faith of customers. The pre-financing through subscription helps BLESS maintain it's freedom. Through this freedom one can concentrate on the essentials. The offer is a purchasable right to be part of the "trust partnership" and is valid for one year. This entitles the member to certain inalienable rights which are:
- Special services, as i.e. the choice of a personel limited-number.
- Exclusive delivery (before the general public)
- Special conditions for the BLESS advanced line and other special products
- Cost savings on BLESS products
- Laid back consumption

The cost of participating in the BLESS "trust partnership" is DM 1000,- which means to receive the next 4 BLESS products free.

+ 10 more blocks