ticho nelieci, komunita lieci. zdielanie a filtrovanie emocii a podpora a pochopenie a pohladenie lieci.🩷💢💔😁

physical community, where I've lived
by Natalie Kerby
7 blocks
over 2 years ago

A good community, in other words, is a good local economy. It depends upon itself for many of its essential needs and is thus shaped, so to speak, from the inside—unlike most modern populations that depend upon distant purchases for almost everything, and are thus shaped from the outside by the purposes and the influence of salesmen.

start actively looking for "specific" mentors

Who socialized me to avoid people when I feel frustrated? Having a roommate to bullshit in the morning with tangibly made me feel better. Talking to a patron at my workplace and complaining about work together allowed me to actually do the work.

"Protectitng you're peace" is atomizing propaganda.

COMMUNITY is the most malleable material of REALITY

community building -> world building

assembling my squad = creating my world

no matter what i do, no matter which hat i might wear - i am always a community organizer. that is the most truthful way to describe my ambitions in every pursuit.

sometimes its being a good friend.

sometimes its repearing, nurturing and building community platforms.

i wholeheartedly believe in communitieS. very plural.

a truly safe space should allow and nurture existence outside of the social roles people normally occupy in their families and workplaces

Community Kitchen
by Lukas W
17 blocks
4 months ago

Heaven is, in the end, wherever we are fully known and fully loved.

"To be valued without having to stay on beat, without having to perform."

When you choose your friends today, you are choosing your habits tomorrow.

+ 11 more blocks