by Clement Valla
21 blocks
almost 5 years ago
the grow your own food of software
by New Name
865 blocks
about 22 hours ago
Ultralight Websites
by Laurel Schwulst
41 blocks
8 months ago
the internet potential
by Daniel Gális
61 blocks
3 months ago
web tools 🐝 net projects and digital design
by Speculative Smoker
95 blocks
2 days ago

Tang's first initiative, the g0v project, involved swapping out the "o" for a zero in the government's "" top-level domain to view more accessible and interactive versions of those governmental websites. The project was open source, in line with Tang's principles, and very popular, accessed millions of times each month. Another initiative, vTaiwan, uses social media paradigms for citizens to create digital petitions. Those with 5,000 signatories are brought to the premier and government ministries to be addressed. Changes implemented through this system include access to income tax software for non-Windows computers, and changes to cancer treatment regulations. The Taiwanese parliament complained that citizens had better access to influence regulation than they did as legislators. As of 2017, Tang was working on sharing economy software that would facilitate the free exchange of resources in abundance instead of the ride-sharing and peer hotel applications for which the...

Building a business model on data lock-in seems not only bad, but pointless now? Content is superabundant, so what are you locking in, exactly? There’s always more where that came from.

Are social graphs even a moat? Perhaps more than data, but TikTok proves you don’t need a dense social graph to serve up interesting content. What if you can bootstrap a content ecosystem with AI NPCs?

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