a calendar / planner with a chat interface, similar to telegram reminders - sending messafes to yourself - the messages are organized by time - group chat potential

Living in 2023 buffeted by numerous technological waves, maybe it’s better to think about work as a series of short-term acts that build upon each other. Instead of having “one career” maybe thinking of “careers” – plural – makes more sense. Each “career” more like an “Act” of a broader play; each Act tailored to the changing work and technological environment in which it operates and catered to one’s interests at the time. In this model one doesn’t go to school once, but instead, one retools every handful of years indefinitely. Is that more plausible?

1.Have a Priority Goal: It should be lofty enough to induce anxiety - that’s growth.
2.Goals need to be specific, measurable, and tied to defined actions. Allocate hours per week and make them quantifiable.
3.Print Your Goals: You can rewrite or move them every day for visibility.
4.Avoid sharing your goals. It may lead to premature validation without actual pursuit.
5.Determine Duration: Estimate how long it will take to achieve your goal.
6.Set goals in 12-week or 3-month intervals. Define specific hours per week/day and on which days you’ll work.
7.Documentation: Write with a pen or pencil.
8.If a goal isn’t easily quantifiable, be exceptionally precise about verb actions and the time allocated per day/week.
9.Consistency: Book writers set X words/hours per day targets. They don’t wait for inspiration.
10.Visualization as Motivation: Before working, ask if you want the end state and if you’re willing to do what’s required. Based on the answer, visualize the positive end state or...

What are the feedback loops around me? What do they generate? What do they converge toward? Do they share my goals? Are my goals my goals, or the goals of the feedback loop? How might I construct my feedback loops to generate agency?

What is the one task that, if completed, will make today a success? What can you do to make it as easy as possible to get started?

Write out, in detail, what your life would look like 5 years from now if you continued down your current path.

Write out, in detail, what your life would look like 5 years from now if you took a completely different path.

Write out, in detail, what your life would look like 5 years from now if money, social obligations, and what people would think, were irrelevant.