In a recent podcast, David Perell interviewed Marc Andreessen on the art of writing in the internet era. I found it rich with non-obvious observations and arguments.
I am asking you to quit all of your passive media consumption to read great books and write the truth every single day.
Justin Murphy
Four principles
Writing is the only thing that matters.
Don't just read. Make reading notes. Don't just learn. Make blog posts or something to share what you learned.
Also, hand-written notes has some advantage. In (Mueller & Oppenheimer, The Pen Is Mightier Than the Keyboard: Advantages of Longhand Over Laptop Note Taking, 2014), it's shown that students who take notes by laptop understood lectures less, due to their tendency to transcribe verbatim without understanding. From mouth to ears to fingers, bypassing the brains completely.
The way I see it, this is not an argument against using the computer, but an argument for repharsing instead of copy-pasting/direct quoting/mere transcribing.
Be simple
Don't underline, highlight, write in the margins, or use several complicated systems for annotation. It'd make it really hard for you to retrieve these scattered ideas later. You would be forced to remember with your biological brain to keep track of what information is put...
Někdy se říká, že čtení je matkou výzkumu, ale platí to také pro psaní nebo přemýšlení obecně. Tomáš Špidlík míval skoro půl století každý týden ve Vatikánském rozhlase nedělní kázání. Když se ho ptal kolega, jak je možné, že má po takové době stále co říci, bez váhání odpověděl, že čte. Bez čtení a studia je šance na úspěch zcela minimální.
Bourbaki joined its distinctive writing style to a distinctive writing process. Once a member produces a draft, the group gathers in person, reads it aloud and suggests notes for revision. They repeat these steps until there is unanimous agreement that the text is ready for publication. It’s a long process that can take a decade or more to complete.
Fišer - 10 oblastí, v ktorých formuje osobnosť autora
aktuálne predstavy, nezviazané hodnetením
Český filosof Ladislav Hejdánek tvrdil: „Pište. Zapisujte si všechno, co vás napadne. Pište i do šuplíku, ale pište. Neustále. Musíte tak formulovat, precizovat myšlenky. Bez psaní to nejde. Pište.
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