It’s also something that I encourage people to investigate with their own practices. There’s so much that you can do beyond just making your thing. You can also work on the whole system of getting that thing and others like it out into the world. There’s a lot of room for expansion and creativity there. I think the coolest projects look at the whole system, or try to.

– Emily Segal

I’m very proud of it, and the fact that instead of putting our energy toward discussing what’s wrong with the broken literary industry, we just went ahead and built something that we think is cool. That’s such a positive energetic shift and it just brings blessings into your life and into your practice to do that.

– Emily Segal

Building infrastructure that we can use and that our friends and collaborators can use to put things out makes me really happy. 

– Emily Segal

Looking at that through a literary lens, and asking the question of whether brands are literature — or, how a speculative mode of writing can both be something commercial and more mystical/ personal — those were all themes that I wanted to get down on paper.

– Emily Segal

People would be like, “how do you know this?” And I’d be like, I honestly have no idea. I’m just walking around noticing things, trying to do pattern recognition. 

– Emily Segal

This is always advice that I give younger people or students: you can't underestimate how important it is to have one or two practical skills that you’re really good at that you can contribute to a group project. Like coding or knowing how to edit or do audio design or run an event. Those things seem kind of banal, but are almost the whole enchilada.

– Emily Segal

by Emily Segal
204 blocks
over 2 years ago
by Nemesis
29 blocks
over 4 years ago
+ 20 more blocks