is//el the Zionist entity provided funding, weapons, and even training to Serbs and paramilitary groups who committed genocide and ethnic cleansing of Muslims in the early 1990s.

"The state faces a series of similar requests regarding its collaboration with the murderers of the Argentinian Junta, Pinochet’s regime in Chile, and Sri Lanka."

the Zionist entity is//el has lost support in 42 of 43 countries polled, with an 18.5% drop in favorability worldwide. Geopolitical Economy Report, 2024

They're getting boo-ed

is//el is getting booed anywhere they are still allowed in.

They got booed at Eurovision after being allowed to attend anyway despite widespread regional disgust. They were massively booed during the Grand Final Jury show.

At this year's Olympics in Paris, is//el was regularly booed and people held up banners saying GENOCIDE OLYMPICS and made sure they were seen.

A video trended of an is///li actively radicalising an athlete just by being obnoxious.

That same month, a cafe in Hanoi refused to serve is///lis— "my shop doesn't accept people from your country"—and when said is///lis recorded him to shame him online it only backfired. The Hanoi shop owner gained the internet's respect for turning them away and he continued to be a legend by trashing fake reviewers on Google.

black Ethiopian women given birth control against their will to halve their birth rate

As recently as 2010, is//el was sterilizing Ethiopian Jewish women against their will because the state didn't want too many Black people. There are over 160,000 Black Ethiopian is///lis in is//el. tweet

The Guardian reported in 2013 that Ethiopian women in is//el were given contraceptive without consent for years. Thousands of Ethiopian women receive Depo-Provera shots every 3 months in is///li clinics. It stops menstruation and has been linked to fertility problems and osteoporosis. The Guardian, Ethiopian women in Israel 'given contraceptive without consent', 2013

"The phenomenon was uncovered when social workers noticed the birth rate among Ethiopian immigrants halving in a decade. An is///li documentary investigating the scandal was...

🟨 Molly at the rave
by Liy Y
23 blocks
14 days ago

israelis reveal themselves to be demonic

israel is a non-viable death and murder cult that makes North Korea look like Switzerland in comparison: "You cannot kill 35,000 innocent civilians and claim the moral high ground."

In January it was reported israel lost support in 42 of 43 countries polled, with an 18.5% drop in favourability worldwide.

Haaretz reports in February that most israelis think 2.3 million people in Gaza should not receive any humanitarian aid. A Pew poll conducted in March-April 2024 showed at least half of israelis believed certain social media content related to the war should be censored, and 59% specifically believe people should not be allowed to post sympathy for civilians in Gaza. In September, Israeli Knesset member says in Hebrew that newborn Palestinian babies are terrorists, as confirmed by a horrified rabbi.

Compare this to statistics of Americans who oppose weapons aid to israel according to an early June CBS poll: 61% of Americans, 77% of...

People are leaving

One in three is//elis are considering leaving because of the crisis, and relocation firms/lawyers tell BBC they are seeing a spike in business. BBC, August 2023

Ticket flights from tel aviv to New York reaches $16,000 in September 2024. A video of tel aviv looking like a ghost town came out on the same day.

There is a SEVERE doctor shortage. Suboptimal healthcare is an understatement. Jerusalem Post, 2024

People aren't coming in ready to stay for generations

israelis already have a reputation for being the rudest and most-off putting people on the planet: "tel aviv is covered in trash and pornography and filled with mosquitos. They hate each other and hate outsiders even more. Americans are enthusiastic zionists BECAUSE they don't know israel or israelis." A Jewish activist escaped oppression in his country by going to israel hated the reality so much that he ended up regularly documenting violence by israeli settlers.

Racist backlash against Ta-Nehisi Coates defending Palestine on NBC only reminded the internet that in 2010, israel was sterilising Ethiopian Jewish women against their will.

the inherent isolation fantasy of Zionism, the dismissal of pre-i///el Jewish history, the freakishly self conscious attempt to produce an i///eli culture out of shitty trance music and tevas, all of this has rendered i///el incapable of communicating with the rest of the world (May 2024)

Every day since 8 October 2023, the occupying entity has only succeeded in using every resource sent to them to destroy their future by destroying their reputation with literally everyone.

"A nation that needs to kill children to survive is not a nation that should exist."

— Mohamad Safa, September 2024

@huda: "i///el is a white supremacist tyrant colonialist country. In the court of public opinion, i///el has completely lost and failed. just because you are mass killing people does not mean you have won the war. They're just in denial. The people in power are not more powerful than all of us. And that is so true, that is more true today than ever before. I think it's important that we don't become desensitised. [...] People are saying so much more today. People are able to really speak up and speak their mind. i///el will never recover. They will never be able to pretend they are the victims anymore. Your voice, no matter how big, how small, how passionate. If you are using your voice in any way, trust me you are contributing to a difference. One person may learn from you, and they may teach another person, who teaches another person. And together that's how we make change. [...] In the end, things do unveil themselves."


Most of "is//el" is empty, Palestinian return is highly feasible

Did you know that only 6% of "Israel" is still occupied by most (87%) of Jewish Israelis? Almost 90% of "Israel" sits largely empty or is occupied by Israeli soldiers/pine trees. As this excerpt from my recently published article states, Palestinian return is highly feasible:

Furthermore, the vacancy, militarisation, and 'protection' of approximately 88% of Israeli colonised territory is noteworthy, since Zionists frequently charge that Jews would have to be expelled to accommodate Palestinian returnees. However, as Abu-Sitta (PLS, n.d.) emphasises, since the British Mandate, only about 6% of 1948 Palestine remains populated by the vast majority (87%) of the Jewish Israeli population. Hence, following the dismantlement of Israeli settler colonialism, including its green variant, Palestinian return is entirely viable. Overall, colonising nearly half of 418 Palestinian villages that were ethnically cleansed, as...

"Oh, that's i///el weaponising antisemitism to silence all criticism of its policies while essentialising Judaism and claiming to represent all Jews through an episteme that is eerily familiar from 19th century antisemites and pseudoscientists saying Ashkenazi Jews were not European but "strange Asiatics" who came from the Middle East— that too is a case of IDPsyOps."

Source: Adi Callai on YouTube, IDPsyOps: When the State Uses Identity Politics to Repress Social Movements, 18 February 2022

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