The fact is that street cleaners are welcomed like angels, and their task of removing the residue of yesterday’s existence is surrounded by a respectful silence, like a ritual that inspires devotion, perhaps only because once things have been cast off nobody wants to have to think about them further.

Nobody knows where, each day, they carry their load of refuse. Outside the city, surely; but each
year the city expands, and the street cleaners have to fall farther back. The bulk of the outflow increases and the piles rise higher, become stratified, extend over a wider perimeter.

Italo Calvino, Invisible Cities

Jay Lynn Gomez
by Stephanie Marie Cedeño
7 blocks
over 2 years ago

"Probably a great many famous stories could be retold in terms of maintenance."

Stewart Brand – July 2022

“They’re always fucking updating.”
- Stephen Serrato [on iOS software updates]

“Maintenance is a drag; it takes all the fucking time.”—Ukeles

+ 3 more blocks