Building together

If you're a member, you've likely heard us say that will remain ad-free and independent for the long term. This is the core of our project. We're committed to providing a space for thinking and collaborating online that respects the desires and dignity of its members.

But building a better platform means we're supported entirely by the people we serve. Thanks to our Premium members, we've proved this model is sustainable. We've also ensured that will remain stable and freely accessible into the future. Our task now is to grow our Premium community so that our team can continue to improve the platform for many years to come.

This is why we're making a slight change to our membership structure: Starting June 4th, members without a Premium subscription will be limited to 500 total connections. By asking members to pitch in at this point, we're making sure we have the resources to develop the best possible tool for everyone who uses it.

Here are the details:

• If you have already reached or are over the limit, don't worry. Your content is safe. You simply won't be able to make any more connections or add new blocks.

• We're offering 25% off to anyone who upgrades before June 4th by using the code communitygarden. As usual, students and educators who wish to upgrade get 50% off.

Our goal with this new model is to give a person enough time to evaluate as both a community and a utility. If is useful to them, we ask them to contribute a small amount via a monthly subscription.

This update is based, in large part, on feedback we received about pricing from active and Premium members. We heard how important it is to keep affordable. We talked extensively about your input and we're thinking about how we can involve your voices more formally our in our decision-making as a business.

We're deeply appreciative everyone who already supports We have ambitious goals, we feel confident in our direction, and we've accomplished so much already with your support. If you're interested in what we're working on next, please check out our roadmap page: And if you rely on and simply can't afford Premium, please send us an email.

We wouldn't be working so hard to improve if it weren't for the vibrant community that exists already, and we look forward to continuing to make it better with your help.

Charles Broskoski is one of the many co-founders of