Open call for Pitches for the 2023 Annual

We’re getting ready to start working on the fourth (!) Annual, a book of essays, interviews, and other contributions by members of the community. Each year we ask for submissions around a given theme — last year’s was “portal” and previously it was “tend” — that propose a piece of writing for the anthology. Annual 2022

This year, we’re looking for pieces that fall within the theme of “service,”1 as in an act of helping or supplying; to repair or maintain; to provide a public need; a meeting for worship, a place to refuel. Or really, whatever the word means to you — the theme should hopefully be more guiding than constricting. 

As always, we’re asking for ideas that not only fit the theme but also take root in a particular channel. We’ll choose from the submissions and work with you to develop a short piece (~1,000 words) around your channel, expanding upon the connections, assemblages, and ideas held within. Last year, for example, Bryce Wilner wrote about the poet Kamau Brathwaite’s “Sycorax video style,” Lukas WinklerPrins meditated on Surfline screenshots, and C.C. tried to “get to the poem” of it. We’ve also published fiction, poetry, recipes, and pieces that weave together text with imagery. And we put together this channel (feel free to add) in case it sparks any ideas. 

The Annual will publish in December, and published authors will receive a $100 honorarium. 

Here’s the process for pitching: 

1. Choose a channel that you’d like to expand upon in a piece of writing OR create a channel expressly for this purpose. (If you don’t already have an account, you can sign up here:

2. Use the theme “service” to guide you in your selection. Service, as in an act of helping or supplying; to repair or maintain; to provide a public need; a meeting for worship, a place to refuel.

3. Write a short paragraph detailing what you’d like to write about. What’s the main idea and how does it relate to the theme? Why are you interested in writing about it? What format do you envision it taking? Note: No particular writing experience is required, just a strong idea and willingness to collaborate / work with an editor. 

4. Fill out this form to send the paragraph and a link to your channel by July 19 and we’ll respond (to everyone) shortly thereafter. Feel free to share with anyone who may be interested!

[1] Cred to David Reinfurt for mishearing me say “surface” and thus supplying us with this year’s theme, an inadvertent act of service.

Meg Miller is editorial director at