Open call for Pitches for the 2025 Annual

Ted Nelson, Project Xanadu.

Each year, we put together a book of essays, interviews, and other writings by the people of We ask for submissions around a given theme — past anthologies have been themed “service” and “trace,” for example — that take root in a channel. In that way, the writings are another manifestation of the kind of thinking and research that takes place on

This year, we’ve landed on the theme “document” as in to record; to provide information or support; an official paper or digital file; a piece of evidence, a form of proof. Submissions are now open

As always, this theme should be taken more as guidance than restriction — we’re interested in what “document” brings up for you. We also made this open channel to collect ideas, lines of thought, and potential directions (feel free to add to it). You might look to some of last year’s pieces for the theme of “trace” as well: Base Notes by Sarah Chekfa, These Hollow Renderings by Terry Nguyen, and The Wake and Other Ghost Stories by Amirio Freeman are all now up on the blog. We’ve also published fiction, poetry, recipes, and pieces that weave together text with imagery, or otherwise don’t fit into a conventional format.

The Annual 2024, “trace.” Cover by Desmond Wong. [Cover image against a black background. The cover is a light blue with a slightly silver-y sheen, echoes of a cyanotype. Close in, the blue is covered in delicate drawings that recall etchings, rubbings, cave drawings. From afar, the larger outline of an infinity symbol reveals itself.]

Submissions close May 10, 2024. The Annual will publish in December, and published authors will receive a $200 honorarium. 

Here’s the process for pitching: 

1. Choose or create a channel that you’d like to expand upon in a piece of writing. (If you don’t already have an account, you can sign up here:

2. Use the theme “document” to guide you in your selection. Document as in to record; to provide information or support; an official paper or digital file; a piece of evidence, a form of proof. 

3. Write a paragraph or two detailing what you’d like to write about. What’s the main idea and how does it relate to the theme? Why are you interested in writing about it? Why will others be interested to read it? What format do you envision it taking? Note: No particular writing experience is required, just a strong idea and willingness to collaborate / work with an editor. 

4. Fill out this form to send the paragraph and a link to your channel by May 10, 2024 and we’ll respond (to everyone) shortly thereafter. Feel free to share with anyone who may be interested!

Meg Miller is editorial director at