Gift Shop

Gift Shop
An Unbound Book
Behind "A Catalogue of Simple Pleasures," a new card deck for the Gift Shop

by Alex Singh, Laurel Schwulst, Cab Broskoski, and Megan Pai
Gift Shop
The “Gift Alchemy” of the Fava Bean
Companion–Platform on their “Vicia Faba” seed packet for the Gift Shop

by Lexi Visco, Calvin Rocchio, Meg Miller, and Laurel Schwulst
Gift Shop
The Forbidden Zone
Damon Zucconi presents: Carl Sagan’s “Diagram of All Space and Time” for the Gift Shop

by Damon Zucconi, Charles Broskoski, and Laurel Schwulst
Gift Shop
(Gift) Shop Talk
A conversation introducing the Gift Shop and our first product, How to Pass Time Inside This Room

by Laurel Schwulst, Charles Broskoski, and Meg Miller