Scent Access Memory

Scent Access Memory
The Future Will Be Like Perfume
After Brian Eno.

by alphonse f
Scent Access Memory
Ephemeral Cities
On perfume and urban utopias

by Emily Jensen
Scent Access Memory
My Beautiful Dark Twisted Carcinogenic Fantasy
On the prickly aroma of hydrocarbons.

by Vivian Medithi
Scent Access Memory
Orange and silver memories. 

by Amelia K.
Scent Access Memory
Worldly Things
And heavenly scents.

by Katy Kelleher
Scent Access Memory
Post-Fragrantica Manifesto
Perfume’s digital slouch towards flatness.

by Audrey Robinovitz
Scent Access Memory
Cherry Chapstick
Smells like seventh grade.

by C.C.
Scent Access Memory
Death’s Signature Scent
Decay becomes her.

by Daniel Pearce
Scent Access Memory
Notes on Notes
True freshness in a bottle…

by Maya Man
Scent Access Memory
Metaphorically Speaking
In the rainy breath of time.

by Meg Miller
Scent Access Memory
Mall Memories
What I cherished most about the mall was the baptism of synthetic scents.

by Terry Nguyen